Forms & Spending
If you are being reimbursed by the NDSGC, are the recipient of an NDSGC internship, or have an Invoice for Services, you must complete and submit both the W9 and ACH forms. If you are a student employee at UND or within the NDUS system, the NDSGC still needs W9 and ACH forms. The payroll system and reimbursement systems are two different systems, and the NDSGC does not have access to any payroll forms. If you believe you have already completed these forms, please ask an NDSGC team member to confirm your status in Jaggaer.
Your name and address must match and be on all forms and documentation submitted.
- Your name must remain the same across all forms (e.g. don't list your middle name on one and not the other; don't list a maiden name on one and your married name on another)
You must provide a voided check with the ACH form.
- The check's routing and account numbers must match your routing and account numbers on the ACH form; all numbers must be included in the routing and account strings, including zeros (0s) in the beginning of the string
- Temporary checks have different routing numbers and this is not acceptable
- Alternatively, your bank can provide a letter with your name, address, and account
and routing numbers, proving you have a bank account with said bank; a bank account
statement does not suffice
- If you provide an ACH form from your bank, please authorize the University of North Dakota to deposit funds, not the NDSGC
If you are a NASA intern or working with an NDSGC-funded Competition Team, please send the documents to Tori McIntosh. All other completed ACH and W9 forms must be sent to Grecia Flaws.
- A representative from UND will email you to confirm your submission of the ACH and W9 forms. This is a time sensitive email; please be on the lookout for it and respond accordingly
- UND may search for contact information on company or school websites, and use publicly-available contact information to verify the forms submitted are true and accurate
Please download the forms onto your computer before completing them.
Remember to sign and date both forms.
Ensure your bank's name is spelled correctly and your routing and accounting numbers are in their respective boxes.
On the ACH form list yourself as the supplier and contact name.
Competition Teams: If any teams, mentors, or team members are going to be reimbursed, they must submit an ACH form and W9 form.
- UND students: we cannot reimburse departments; we must provide a funding number if anything is purchased through your department.
The NDSGC asks for photos to accompany award features in their yearly newsletter, the Aurora. The Aurora is shared with Space Grant stakeholders, including affiliate schools, staff and faculty, NASA personnel, and North Dakota legislators and representatives. Photos may also be featured in a NDSGC brochure or on the NDSGC website.
The form links will route you to Docusign.
- Please tap to sign the form
- The NDSGC will receive a copy for their records (no need to forward anything)
- The links can be forwarded to award recipients and parents
Competition Teams: Include both the individual's name and competition team name in the Media Release Form.
The NDSGC can purchase items for Travel Grants, Competition Teams, and Mini Grants. Any purchasing related to travel, refer to the transportation dropdowns below.
Download the appropriate file linked below, complete the form, and send to your NDSGC contact (Competition Teams: Tori McIntosh; Mini-Grants: Laurie Salander).
If a single item exceeds $4,999 we will need additional approval for purchasing.
Vendors may have to be added to Jaggaer, or we may have to request tax-exempt status; this may take 2 days to process before starting the order.
Asking for orders to be completed the day the request is sent may be unrealistic; please plan accordingly.
Items will ship to the awardee or the NDSGC. If sent to the awardee, we need confirmation items have arrived.
Unallowable purchases include, but are not limited to attire (shirts, uniforms, etc.), accolades (trophies, medals, etc.), ATM withdrawals, stipends, alcohol, furniture, and drone components from China.
Competition Teams: Please group your requests in the spreadsheet by vendor if you would like the NDSGC to order items for you.
- UND students: if you are ordering through your department, the NDSGC cannot accept invoices from UND departments; we must provide a funding number if anything is ordered through your department, your mentor's PCard, or Jaggaer.
- Non-UND students and K-12 teams: the NDSGC can purchase items; if your school or department will be ordering items for you and invoicing the NDSGC, please email your award contact to ensure items are allowable expenses; the NDSGC abides by the North Dakota University System spending guidelines.
Any reimbursement submitted to the NDSGC must have an invoice, a receipt, and the requested accompanying documents (see dropdowns below. All documents submitted must be in PDF form. Whomever is being reimbursed must be the original purchaser and submit a W9 form and ACH form to the NDSGC (please see the dropdown above).
All expenses must be related to an award and its proposed work. Before purchasing, contact the NDSGC to ask if expenses are covered. Unallowable purchases include, but are not limited to, attire, accolades, ATM withdrawals, stipends, alcohol, furniture, and drone components from China.
An invoice can have multiple reimbursements listed. However, one invoice must be submitted for each purchaser. If a mentor and student made purchases, both the mentor and student will have to submit a W9 form and ACH form, and each submit an invoice and accompanying documents. Once the invoice is reviewed, a reimbursement document will be sent via DocuSign. Review all information before signing. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks to process.
Each receipt must:
- have it's own line on the invoice
- display the payment method
- If a card is used as the payment method, the last four digits of the card must be displayed; if the last four digits are not displayed, a credit card statement, bank statement, or PayPal statement with the charge listed must be submitted
- If a check is used as a payment method, you must provide a photo of the cashed check or a bank statement showing the withdrawal
- show a $0.00 balance and be in USD
- be dated within your award period
- be itemized (list all items purchased)
All receipts must have the date, payment method, and total highlighted.
- If you cannot locate these items on your receipt, please inquire about a new receipt
Do not submit an order confirmation; we need a receipt.
Competition Teams: If the NDSGC does not purchase items for you and you intend on being reimbursed, contact the team to ensure your purchases are allowable expenses.
- UND students: we cannot accept invoices from UND departments; we must provide a funding number before anything is ordered; we can transfer funds to cover allowable expenses.
- Non-UND students and K-12 teams: if your school or department will be ordering items for you and invoicing the NDSGC, please email your award contact to ensure items are allowable expenses; the NDSGC abides by the North Dakota University System spending guidelines.
If the NDSGC purchases (preferred unless you are a competition team):
- Work with the NDSGC to book your conference registration
- Per NDUS regulations, registration cannot be combined with any membership payments
- Unless a competition team, you must complete a Travel Authorization Form
The NDSGC can reimburse event and conference registration. The registration cannot be combined with any membership payments. An invoice and event agenda must be submitted with reimbursement receipts (all PDFs). The NDSGC only reimburses the individual or entity that purchased the conference registration. We cannot reimburse anything purchased with a gift card or voucher. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
Each registration receipt must:
- display the payment method
- show a $0.00 balance and be in USD
- be dated within your award period
- be itemized (list all items purchased)
- have the date, payment method, and total highlighted
If a card is used as the payment method, the last four digits of the card must be displayed. If the last four digits are not displayed, a credit card statement, bank statement, or PayPal statement with the charge listed must be submitted. If a check is used as a payment method, you must provide a photo of the cashed check or a bank statement showing the withdrawal.
Competition Teams: The NDSGC can reimburse event registration. This is a preferred item to be reimbursed.
- Non-UND Schools and K-12: Follow the directions above.
- UND Schools: Follow the directions above if you are not working through your department; if your department purchases or reimburses, we need to provide a funding number before anything is purchased or paperwork is processed and receive a copy of any paperwork.
If the NDSGC purchases (preferred):
- Work with the NDSGC to book a Delta flight out of your home city; this must be done a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the event start date and will be a meeting; have your ID ready
- No mileage will be reimbursed for the trip to and from the airport in your home city
- Per NDUS regulations, you can arrive only one day before the event and will depart the day after the event
- You must complete a Travel Authorization Form
The NDSGC will not reimburse flights booked on third party sites (Expedia, Travelocity, etc.). Flights must be booked directly through company sites, preferably Delta. If you do not choose a Delta flight, we cannot guarantee a full reimbursement. An invoice and event agenda must be submitted with reimbursement receipts (all PDFs). The NDSGC only reimburses the individual that purchased the flight. We cannot reimburse anything purchased with a gift card or voucher. You must complete a Travel Authorization Form. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
Each flight receipt must:
- display the payment method
- list the passenger, base fare, taxes, fees and flights
- show a $0.00 balance and be in USD
- be dated within your award period
- be itemized (list all items purchased)
- have the date, payment method, and total highlighted
If a card is used as the payment method, the last four digits of the card must be displayed. If the last four digits are not displayed, a credit card statement, bank statement, or PayPal statement with the charge listed must be submitted. If a check is used as a payment method, you must provide a photo of the cashed check or a bank statement showing the withdrawal.
Competition Teams: The NDSGC can purchase flights.
- Non-UND Schools and K-12: Follow the directions above.
- UND Schools: Follow the directions above if you are not working through your department; if your department purchases or reimburses, we need to provide a funding number before anything is purchased or paperwork is processed and receive a copy of any paperwork.
The NDSGC cannot pre-pay the cost of luggage. This is a post-event reimbursement.
The NDSGC can reimburse the cost of one piece of luggage to your destination and one piece returning home. It is expected that the NDSGC awardee is the ONLY individual whose luggage is being paid for. An invoice and event agenda must be submitted with reimbursement receipts (all PDFs). The NDSGC only reimburses the individual who paid for the baggage fee. We cannot reimburse anything purchased with a gift card or voucher. You must complete a Travel Authorization Form. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
Each baggage receipt must:
- display the payment method
- list the passenger and flights
- show a $0.00 balance and be in USD
- be dated within your award period
- be itemized (list all items purchased)
- have the date, payment method, and total highlighted
If a card is used as the payment method, the last four digits of the card must be displayed. If the last four digits are not displayed, a credit card statement, bank statement, or PayPal statement with the charge listed must be submitted. If a check is used as a payment method, you must provide a photo of the cashed check or a bank statement showing the withdrawal.
Competition Teams: The NDSGC will not reimburse luggage/baggage.
This expense is a post-event reimbursement, and is only offered to competition teams. Non-competition team requests for car rentals or state fleets must be submitted to the NDSGC team.
The NDSGC can reimburse reasonable costs for rental cars and state fleets. An invoice and event agenda must be submitted with reimbursement receipts (all PDFs). The NDSGC only reimburses the individual or entity that paid for the rental. State Fleet receipts can be submitted. We cannot reimburse anything purchased with a gift card or voucher. You must complete a Travel Authorization Form. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
Each rental receipt must:
- display the payment method
- show a $0.00 balance and be in USD
- be dated within your award period
- have the date, payment method, and total highlighted
If a card is used as the payment method, the last four digits of the card must be displayed. If the last four digits are not displayed, a credit card statement, bank statement, or PayPal statement with the charge listed must be submitted. If a check is used as a payment method, you must provide a photo of the cashed check or a bank statement showing the withdrawal.
Competition Teams: The NDSGC can reimburse rental cars.
- Non-UND Schools and K-12: Follow the directions above.
- UND Schools: Follow the directions above if you are not working through your department; if your department purchases or reimburses, or if you use a state fleet vehicle, we need to provide a funding number before anything is purchased or paperwork is processed and receive a copy of any paperwork.
This expense is a post-event reimbursement. Mileage must be pre-approved by the NDSGC. Do not submit reimbursement for mileage unless you have been pre-approved by the NDSGC to receive mileage.
Mileage is a provided by the NDSGC on a case-by-case basis only. Do not submit reimbursement for mileage unless you have been pre-approved by the NDSGC to receive mileage. An invoice, mileage calculation sheet, and a map of the route driven each day must be submitted. Refer to mileage rates to calculate your reimbursement. If driving outside of the state of ND, please refer to 300-mile buffer map. You must complete a Travel Authorization Form. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
Competition Teams: Mileage must be pre-approved by the NDSGC. Contact Tori McIntosh to inquire about being reimbursed for mileage.
If the NDSGC Purchases (preferred unless you are a competition team):
- Work with the NDSGC to book a room at the conference/event hotel; the NDSGC does not book hotels for competition teams but it can reimburse
- Per NDUS regulations, you can arrive only one day before the event and will depart the day after the event
- No additional expenses are allowed to be charged to the room (food, movies, accidentals, etc.)
- The ONLY individual allowed to occupy the room is the NDSGC awardee
- You must complete a Travel Authorization Form
Only hotels booked at the conference/event venue will be reimbursed. Hotels must be directly booked through the hotel website, no third party sites like Expedia or Travelocity. Hotel stays in the state of North Dakota must abide by state rates and be tax-exempt. An invoice, event agenda, and list of those that stayed in the hotel rooms must be submitted with reimbursement receipts (all PDFs). The NDSGC only reimburses the individual that paid for the accommodations. If the room is shared, you MUST request a split bill from the hotel. We cannot reimburse anything purchased with a gift card or voucher. You must complete a Travel Authorization Form. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
Each hotel receipt must:
- display the payment method
- show a $0.00 balance and be in USD
- be dated within your award period
- be itemized (list all items purchased)
- have the date, payment method, and total highlighted
If a card is used as the payment method, the last four digits of the card must be displayed. If the last four digits are not displayed, a credit card statement, bank statement, or PayPal statement with the charge listed must be submitted. If a check is used as a payment method, you must provide a photo of the cashed check or a bank statement showing the withdrawal. A list of individuals that stayed in the room must be provided.
Competition Teams: The NDSGC reimburses hotels, dorms, or Airbnb expenses for competition teams.
- Non-UND Schools and K-12: Follow the directions above and attach a list of individuals in each rented room.
- UND Schools: Follow the directions above and attach a list of individuals in each rented room if you are not working through your department; if your department purchases or reimburses, we need to provide a funding number before anything is purchased or paperwork is processed and receive a copy of any paperwork.
The NDSGC cannot purchases meals; this expense is a post-event reimbursement.
The NDSGC can reimburse per diem. No receipts are necessary if an individual is requesting per diem. An invoice, event agenda, GSA per diem rates, and an NDSGC per diem calculations sheet must be submitted. You must complete a Travel Authorization Form. You must review and sign reimbursement documents. Reimbursements may take 6-8 weeks.
- Remember, if the hotel offers breakfast, you will not receive per diem for breakfast, as breakfast is available to you through the hotel. If the conference offers meals, you will not receive per diem for those meals as they have been made available to you through the conference.
To calculate, follow the directions in the video and the following links:
- GSA website for per diem, search by city and look at the M&IE column
- How to calculate In-State and Out-of-State rates
Competition Teams: The NDSGC can reimburse team meals but will not reimburse individual team members' per diem. Submit an invoice, a list of individuals that were part of the meal, and meal receipt in PDF form, highlight the date, payment method, and total. Please double-check that you did not exceed per diem rates.
- Non-UND Schools and K-12: Refer to the directions above.
- UND Schools: If you are not working through your department, refer to the directions above; if your department purchases or reimburses, we need to provide a funding number before anything is purchased or paperwork is processed and receive a copy of any paperwork.